Do you ever wonder what the "cool terms" or "weird terms" stand for (depending on your stance)? They're part of the Languages of Middle Earth - languages that were invented by JRR Tolkien and used throughout his works in Middle Earth. Picking up such languages is an acquired skill much like any other language that is to be picked up. It also provides many benefits, and is exciting and fun! But why, you ask? Of course, we're not going to converse in these Elvish terms on a day-to-day ...
A Complete Guide to the Quenya Alphabet
Disclaimer: The following information about the Elvish Languages is for informational and educational purposes only. See Disclaimer. This post will be updated periodically, with more information on the Elvish Languages. I didn't know he had developed languages until a while after reading Tolkien. Sure, it was early on, but I was so focused on grasping what I've "missed" (as it was, indeed, pretty well known - I just haven't gotten around to it), and living in a world that was not my own ...