Word of the Day: Tol Eressëa – ‘the lonely isle’ and was a large island along the coast of Eldamar in the East.
It is a Quenya term, coming from the terms Tol (‘isle’) and Eressëa (‘lonely’).
Tol Eressëa Summary
Ulmo pushed it in order to transfer the Elves to Aman. After that, it stayed in the East forever and was dwelled on by Teleri. After the end of the First Age, Many Eldar went to Aman and lived in the island of (Tol) Eressëa. Many beautiful trees, including Elanor, grew there.
[…] was destroyed by Melkor. The term means ‘land of the Gods.’ Off the eastern shore was Tol Eresseä – the ‘lonely isle.’ The Valar established their domain there behind the walls of […]